La Famiglia Tomassini Paternò Leopardi nella Unione della Nobiltà Bizantina

La Famiglia Tomassini Paternò Leopardi di Costantinopoli entra a far parte della Unione della Nobiltà Bizantina, serissima istituzione culturale internazionale presieduta da Sua Altezza Imperiale il Principe Basileus Vladimir Cantacuzene di Valacchia (Transilvania e Moldavia), e riconosciuta ufficialmente dai Patriarcati Ortodossi Greco Ecumenico di Costantinopoli e Russo di Mosca.

Office of the Byzantium Imperial House of Cantacuzene

The Head of the Byzantine Imperial House of Cantacuzene, Basileus of the Romans in exile, is the de jure Emperor of the Byzantine Empire and Fons Honorum. According to international practices, this right may only be exercised with the consent of the Government of the country of residence. Conferring titles and decorations by the Head of the Dynasty on the territory of the country of residence (The Russian Federation) is exercised on the basis of Par.1 of Art.13 and Par.3 of Art.44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the letters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation No.16805 dated 29.08.2017 and Regulatory Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 167-07-41 dated 05.02.2016, No. 2028-07-41 dated 6.12.2016 and 1420-07-41 dated 02.10.2017. That said, please take note that titles or decorati- ons conferred are not honors of the Government of Russia or other government institutions of the Russian Federation and do not breach the provision of Art.19 of the Constitution of the Russian  Federation. The Byzantine Imperial House of Cantacuzene  is registered in the  Division for Substance Development  of United Nations-DESA  (Ref  #129718). Historical rights are based on Tomos (Edict) of the Ecumenical Patriarch Michael III (March 24, 1171) and confirmed by historians in the "Almanac of Würzburg" (2016) – Part I, Section III, PP.14       •       in official relations with the Ecumenical Patriarchate from 2017

Our mission   is  to  preserve  for  history  the  political,  cultural  and  religious  contribution  of  the  Cantacuzene's   family   and Byzantium  in the world and prevent this important contribution from being relegated to a footnote in history books.


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